Thursday, February 16, 2012

know the cost of turning your SQL databases to SQLAzure

Microsoft has recently brought their cloud services cost to half of the Actual

Was reading an article today and found this cap over there. With this you can estimate the Cloud cost for each of your existing databases

DB_NAME(database_id) AS DatabaseName ,
SUM(( size * 8.0 ) / 1048576) SizeGB ,
SQLAzurePrice = CASE WHEN SUM(( size * 8 ) / 1048576) > 150
THEN 999999.000
WHEN SUM(( size * 8.0 ) / 1048576) > 50 THEN (125.874 + ((SUM(( size * 8.0 ) / 1048576) - 50) * .999))
WHEN SUM(( size * 8.0 ) / 1048576) > 10 THEN (45.954 + ((SUM(( size * 8.0 ) / 1048576) - 10) * 1.998))
WHEN SUM(( size * 8.0 ) / 1048576) > 1 THEN (9.990 + ((SUM(( size * 8.0 ) / 1048576) - 1) * 3.996))
WHEN SUM(( size * 8.0 ) / 1024) > 100 THEN 9.990
ELSE 4.995
FROM    sys.master_files
WHERE&nbsp;&nbsp; type_desc <> 'LOG'
GROUP BY DB_NAME(database_id)
ORDER BY DB_NAME(database_id)

...Happy SQLing / Thanks for Visiting and Sharing your Views